
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Post No. 042 : Gold Dust : 5775.05.28

Last night I took a meteor shower.

I lugged my GCI chair outside. Too many streetlights, house lights. Wrong latitude longitude for good viewing. But I sat down, leaned back, and looked up anyway.

I imagined that the speeding space matter had some gold in it, and the light from the burning gold somewhere up there subliminally was entering my eye. Now I had gold in my eyes. I want to think that I gained some ability to find ways to make money.

I had almost dozed off when a dog came over to wake me. Thanks!

GCI Outdoor Wilderness Recliner, Hunter

GCI Chair

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Post No. 041: 5775.05.27 : Oasis of the Soul

There comes a day that is a culmination of many days of work, where the weather is just right stepping out in the morning to the perfect cool air and clear sky, and returning to enter the goat pen and be greeted by a breeze and the shadows from branches swaying in the wind. There's hope that projects long planned may yet bear fruit.

In that moment the journal becomes a permanent record of that day to be revisited when the road gets dusty and tough.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Post No. 040 : Arthur's Email : 5775.05.25

The Real Cost for being Productive
This morning, before 8am, I had already received 2 emails about how to be more productive, complete with worksheets.
Last week I got an email about how to defeat procrastination.  It was a link to a series of 5 videos. 
Evernote is all the rage as are so many other tools for being more productive.
But what is the real real cost of getting everything done and becoming hyper productive? 
Well, it's not your soul... it's your CREATIVITY.
Let's get Something Straight
  • Creative Ideas do not come from being productive
  • Creativity does not have it's origin in productivity.  In fact, Creativity is the Antithesis of Productivity.
  • Great Ideas and Creativity are the result of 2 things working together.
1.  The Slow Cooking of many past ideas and thoughts all waiting for a connection with something related or seemingly unrelated to catalyze a group of them into one single great thought or idea.  We call this the Moment of Inspiration or, simply, a creative moment and they happen when something new moves into that slow cooking circle of thoughts and ideas. 
2.  Exposure and Expansion is the second thing that works together with the slow cooking of past ideas to make us more creative and bring about great ideas.  This Expansion occurs thru New Knowledge, New Experiences and thru Asking Questions.
We need to feed ourselves by exposing ourselves to new and different things.  This new knowledge, new experiences and questions are the catalytic fuel for those past thoughts and ideas in the slow cooker.  A new ingredient gets added and BANG... it reacts with things we are not even consciously thinking of and groups them into a single great thought or idea. 
We expand our frame of reference to the point where  something unplanned and seemingly unrelated enters the picture and all at once makes these connections with past thought and ideas.
Here is a little chart comparing Productivity and Creativity:
LinearNon Linear
Bulleted List Free Flowing
FocusedOccurs when not focused
Mental EffortOpen State of Being
 Results Oriented Possibilities Oriented
 Consumes EnergyCreates Energy
Planned Spontaneous
Creativity is the application of a thought or idea... challenge or problem to different frames of reference.
But what if that frame of reference is not yet part of our experience?
1.  The idea, problem or challenge gets put in the slow cooker
2.  We feed, expose and expand into new and different frames of reference.  It's called personal growth.
Eventually this expansion will catalyze our past thoughts and ideas, ideas which have now come into their own time.
That's one reason we write.... to capture thoughts and ideas and then to remember them as we re-read our journals
And, when Inspiration is catalyzed and strikes, we better be ready to record it all, suck everything we can out of that moment.  It's a moment that will not wait for a convenient time to write it all down and, it's a moment that will not be repeated and, if it is not remembered will be forgotten.  Our choice, write it down or forget it by default. 
Productivity and Creativity are both needed for balance.  We can't have all these ideas and then do nothing, or very little, about them.
All I am suggesting is that with such an over emphasis on productivity, the pendulum needs to swing to the side of alternate considerations for balance.  We need both and both work together. 
Wednesday I am torn with what to write about.  Help me decide.
Here are the choices.  What would you like to hear about?
1.  How Evernote and digital memory tools hurt our creativity
2.  The root issue of why people procrastinate.
Safe Travels from Alex and I!
Create and Keep your Stories

Arthur and Alex 
owner, Renaissance Art
PS. Do you get stuck sometimes in knowing what to write or when or..... ?

Click this link HERE and let me know.

It's a 1 question survey and would really help me to write about things that are real, relevant to you and authentic. 
If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below: 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Post No. 039 : 5775.05.21 : Living in the Notebook

There are three parts to journaling in America.

The first part is writing in the journal and drawing in the journal.

The second part is reading the journal.

The third part is living in the journal.

Living in the journal means taking what is in the journal and doing it. If I write in the journal, "Call X", then I've done the first part of journaling in America. If I read what I wrote, then I did the second part. If I call X, then I've done the third part.

The three parts of journaling can be compared to using a firesteel, a scraper, and tinder.

scraper = pen
firesteel = nib of pen
sparks = ink
tinder = paper

We take the scraper and strike the firesteel to make sparks which land on the tinder.
We take the pen and apply pressure on the nib so that ink flows on the paper.

Furthermore, we say that: we take our mind and strike our heart to create sparks that energize our limbs.

The words I write energize me to act. Writing the word energizes me. Reading the word energizes me. Which is more real? The words on the page, or my actions that result from the words? The words are more real, but the actions are more important.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Post No. 038 : Arthur's Email : 5775.04.04

Should you journal digitally?  ::  Renaissance Art

I get asked all the time about whether or not digital journaling or note taking are a good idea.  And, like the answer to most every question like that, I say, "it depends" 
The best book to write in is the one you always have with you and it really does not matter what that is.  And if all you have is your phone or tablet then yes, of course it is a good idea... just make sure it gets transferred to your "permanent" physical journal asap.
Reason 1:
What is digital stays digital.
What you write digitally stays digital and virtual until you bring it into the real world by writing it in a "real" book.  The digital and virtual world have no foothold when it comes to the real world of journaling.  If you want to manifest a thought, idea or event in the real world then it needs to be done in an real book.
Reason 2:
Serendipitous Connections.
When something remains virtual it is very easy to search and find because digital searching is so exact.  But in that exactness is a very limited opportunity to accidentally, spontaneously, serendipitously and providentially bump into other thoughts and ideas... like you would while paging thru a real physical journal in search of something.
Having control over something is efficient and predictable.  But those are not the building blocks of inspiration and original thought and neither do they allow for what is greater than us in this universe to have it's way with us and what we find.
While searching digitally gives us control over what we search for and find, it does not fully allow us to bump into other, seemingly unrelated, things.
Inspiration and original ideas do not come from an automatic action or something we can predict.  Having control or intention are not welcomed, needed or required when you want to be inspired.
Serendipity is finding something pleasantly unexpected which you were never in search of.  This is just one way a real journal can give back to us.
Reason 3:
I was told a few weeks ago by a visiting archivist who stopped by the studio that the big discussion in archival circles today is about how to preserve all the digital data in the world today.
The answer:  PRINT IT!
Enough said about that.

Do you get stuck sometimes in knowing what to write or when or..... ?

Click this link HERE and let me know.

It's a 1 question survey and would really help me to write about things that are real, relevant to you and authentic. 
Safe Travels from Alex and I!
Create and Keep your Stories

Arthur and Alex 
owner, Renaissance Art
PS.  Most of this email was written in my journal while sitting on the side of a trail while hiking.  If I had nothing to write in at the time I would have lost this thought not just because I am an old fart with limited memory.  It's because the ink of our mind fades really quickly at all ages.  Probably a little more quickly for me but that is another story :)

Post No. 037 : Expeditions to the Soul (3) : 5775.04.04

The envelope of darkness
Early morning sweetness
Only the urge to write aroused
While the rest sleep

And then the words can find their mark
And cleanse the paths and streets
Of tortured prisoners
Now released

Friday, July 17, 2015

Post No. 036 : Arthur's Email : 5775.05.01

If you are a fountain pen user then you are going to love our other papers. 
We do not advertise other paper options for our books but we have them and thru this weekend we are offering a free paper upgrade from our standard Arches paper to Frankfurt Creme or Frankfurt White.
These papers are the same 120gsm weight.  They have a harder finish for smoother writing and a wavy laid pattern.  The White is a white white and the Creme is a yellowie antique creme color.  I love the later when using darker inks like blue or dark blue or brown or black.  And your more colorful inks against a white wavy paper will look stunning.
Here are some pics and details.
Frankfurt Creme
Frankfurt White
To get this special paper upgrade just mention it in the Special Instructions box when checking out.  Tell us which one you would like in the Special Instructions box.  It is for any of our Leather Journals or Sketchbooks.
On another note, do you ever get stuck when writing?  There are lots of things that can get us stuck when writing in our journals… not knowing what to write, when to write, the value of what we write, etc. 
So what has you stuck?

Click this link HERE and let me know.

It's a 1 question survey and would really help me to write about things that are real, relevant to you and authentic. 

Free paper upgrades are available thru Sunday at midnight.

And, thanks for taking time to check out that one question survey. 
Safe Travels from Alex and I!
Create and Keep your Stories

Arthur and Alex 
owner, Renaissance Art
If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below: 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Post No. 035 : Expeditions to the Soul (2) : 5775.04.29

Day of Hope,
I open the door,
Bright sun, cool breeze, fresh air

The journal cover rotates
On its hinges of supple leather
The Tomoe River calm
Catches glints of light
From sparking eyes

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Post No. 034 : Expeditions to the Soul : 5775.04.29

Night of the soul,
A rainbow of pigment,
A river of inks,
A stream of consciousness.

The energy flows from mind to fingers,
Electric inpulses transformed to letters,
Who will read the secrets of our hearts?

Wind: blow! Waves: shatter!
The storm within pounds onto the shore
of crushed cotton rags and stomped linen loins
The trees bent and shattered
Store the treasure trove of humbled minds.

Oh, let the haughty be put to shame
Simple words will triumph
Where mountains have stumbled
Lava and dust, molten missteps.

Renaissance Art journals can be your beacon to the world.

Post No. 033 : The Pen IS the Sword : 5775.04.28.4

Arhur sent out an email today asking:
There are lots of things that can get us stuck when writing in our journals… not knowing what to write, when to write, the value of what we write, etc. 

So what has you stuck?

Click this link HERE and let me know.

What gets me stuck is something that I can't articulate. If I could find words that describe the opposing force, I could conquer it, subjugate it, make it work for me instead of against me. But it has no name, no reality, it's a morphing nothingness, somehow different all the time while remaining the same. Only an act of pure instinctive will to fight back can get me to lift pen to paper.

The email had quotes of others answering the question. A chance to peek over the shoulder of other journalists.

Someone journaling for a fresh start in life, another journaling to introduce randonmess and havoc and living life without planning -- counterintuitive to the usual uses of a journal, yet elevating in the feeling of freedom that comes from living in the notebook.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Post No. 032 : Arthur's Email : 5775.04.27 : Analysis

Arthur writes: "PS.  We got so many emails of people wanting my 'Old Friend' pictured above.  Well, I have another, older, Old Friend of a bag.  I'll share that with you in an upcoming email."

This got me wondering. Why the interest in a weathered, beaten, bag which has stood the test of time, and been a faithful servant to its master?

I think the answer may be in what the bag is not. I'll explain based on a true story, but which I will tell abstractly, without mentioning names.

A scholar, known by many and sought after for his wisdom and guidance, was on an airplane with members of his family. Throughout the trip his grandchildren were running over to him, and treated him with awe and reverence, as well as affection.

The great man's seatmate was piqued. He said, "My grandchildren at family get-togethers barely greet me or want to have anything to do with me. What is your secret?"

The scholar was a man of sharp wit as well as sage advice. "I suspect the difference is this. I teach that the source of my knowledge is a moment in history, thousands of years ago, when this knowledge was revealed here on Earth, and that this knowledge has been passed down, generation to generation, till I acquired it. My grandchildren therefore act with reverence to me because I am two generations closer to that knowledge than they are."

He continued, "On the other hand, I suspect that your grandchildren are taught that mankind is descended from primates. They consider you two generations closer to being a monkey."

We live in a technologically advanced age. Every day new discoveries are made, and new machines are built based on those discoveries. If we then make the mistake of thinking we are somehow smarter or cleverer than those who went before us, then surely we make ourselves irrelevant in the process. If we hold on to the idea that we are merely one link in a chain going far into the past and stretching into the future, that we are minuscule beings standing on the shoulders of giants, than maybe we have a shot of gaining something from our brief sojourn in this world.

Arthur's products are a cool reminder that nothing is really new under the sun. Research online and you can find pictures of book covers that have survived more than a millenia that seem to be brothers to something right off Arthur's website.

Arthur's bag is important precisely because it's not an artifact from a space mission, not the signed autograph of a star of sports, music, or the theater, not something that was cool in its day and now been superceded. His bag is something that reminds us of the timeless nature of the important things in life.

Post No. 031 : Arthur's Email : 5775.04.27

Today, Tuesday, July 14th, is the last day to get a free refillable 5.5 x 8.5 inch leather journal with 2 40 page refills and free 3 initial personalization on both, the journal and the bag.

One person labeled this as the "perfect writer's package"

You do not need a coupon or anything.  It's all on the product page and will go away tomorrow.

Just click HERE or on the picture right below this to go directly to the product page
and the new video we made for you to see the potential of this bag and what I carry in it. 

What I failed to mention in the video was that this bag comes with an extra set of straps for the back.

You can see the bottom straps in the picture below.  But now we are giving you an extra set of straps for the top part as well.  It is the newest improvement to this very popular bag. 

Urban Explorer Bag video

Btw... I was able to fit all my audio gear (mic, 2 small tripods, phone attachment stuff and cables) into that roll up tool pouch.  It completely filled it up and the straps were more than long enough to wrap it securely to the bottom.

Below is the original email I sent re. this bag... just in case you missed it.

About 8 years ago, very late on a Wednesday evening, I bought a one way train ticket from Santa Fe (Lamy actually) to Chicago.

Thursday I made the bag you see below and early Friday morning hopped on the train to Chicago, carrying my new bag.

That trip ended 2 weeks later on the East Coast  in CT and you won't believe what was there waiting for me when I arrived home at the Albuquerque airport... not in forever will you be able to guess it.  But what was there will make some of you smile REALLY BIG and it will bless others in their core. 

My Old Friend

Old Friend

It is a completely one off bag, imperfect, and I carried it for over 8 years (took the pic today) until I made this one below, the Urban Explorer, which is my new GO TO bag.

It holds my thermos (strapped to the back), canister of tea (strapped to the front), glasses, books, pens, extra paper, the 6.5x13 inch sheets I like to draw plans with, a ceramic gaiwan and 2 ceramic cups, a strainer, a rag...

...and I still cannot fill it up.  Just can't do it.

It will hold an iPad or the big Samsung tablet but not my laptop which, I don't carry with me anyway.

The NEW GoTo Bag

 MY UE FrontMy UE Back 

I can load it up or I can compact it down to near nothing.

It is bombproof but lightweight made of full grain Italian leather that is soft and supple and will get softer over time and develop a remarkable patina. 

As some of you know, our leather is unique.  It is made exclusively for us by a 6th generation tannery in Italy.  It took 2 years of working together to get it right. 

This bag will continue to hold my stories and pass them down to my new grandson, Eiger, when he is ready to carry a bag, this bag even, at which time he and I will sit down and I will share it's secrets.

Oh... I almost forgot.  I carry my journal in there too and... 

You can't buy the journal I use but...
you can get it for FREE
if you buy the bag.

You can get it with or without the patch that says "Places my Soul has Been".

It comes with 2 - 40 page blank refills.

AND, I will even put your 3 initials on it for free as well.

Safe Travels from Alex and I!
Create and Keep your Stories

Arthur and Alex 
owner, Renaissance Art
PS.  We got so many emails of people wanting my "Old Friend" pictured above.  Well, I have another, older, Old Friend of a bag.  I'll share that with you in an upcoming email.
If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below: 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Post No. 030 : Arthur's Email : 5775.04.26 : Analysis

Arthur has written about listening to oneself, so that others will listen.

Arthur has written that a thought that is not noted may get hidden and lost.

He illustrates these concepts with the example of his dog, Alex. When Alex craves attention, that is the time to give him attention. The "journal" of the dog's soul is open, so to speak. If Arthur adds to that journal, then his dog will return at a future point for more attention.

And if not, the opportunity is gone, and enough opportunities missed and there may not be more.

By treating creatures with mercy, putting aside the activity at hand and not berating them for poor timing, we can ensure that we will be treated with mercy.

I pray that the time comes that a healthy and strong Eiger comes to play in the RA workshop.

Post No. 029 : Arthur's Email : 5775.04.26

Dogs have stories too.  But even more than that, they have lessons to teach us.

Alex Driving

And that means more than just driving lessons.

I'll tell you mine first and then, if you have a lesson learned from your dog... please tell me yours.  And, let me know if it is ok to share it with this community... incognito... of course :)

When at work in the studio I am pretty focused.  But when my dog comes running thru the doors all excited and looking for me with love to give, I immediately drop what I'm doing and take the time to love on her and with her.

This is actually future training, incognito, for when Eiger, my new grandson, will be old enough to run and come bursting into the room, all excited and with a whole lot of love to give, and me deeply focused on something else. 

It is training that there is no thought, idea or project so important that I cannot put it down for a bit in order to return the love and affection someone is offering.

I think that's how little ones begin to turn inward in their lives... when they offer up little bits of their open and loving selves and...
we make their acts, ideas or thoughts insignificant by giving ours the greater priority or attention
thru a lack of listening or attention to theirs.

Sure, they'll come back again... and then again...
and then less and... less.

Then, one day we'll stop and wonder why our kids don't talk to us anymore (like a dog that does not listen to an unengaged owner).

It's pretty amazing what a dog can teach us if, when they speak (or act), we stop and take the time to love them and... to listen.

Just one reason to own a dog.  They know stuff!

If you have a story please share it.  We would love to hear from you.
Safe Travels from Alex and I!
Create and Keep your Stories

Arthur and Alex 
owner, Renaissance Art
PS.  Yes, that's Alex in the picture at the beginning of this email, driving to Tent Rocks.
If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below: 

Post No. 028 : I will never... : 5775.04.25 : Continued

Continued from Post No. 026

I think that writing sentences over and over can have value. But the value is not from negative reinforcement. The value is not because the student is aware he will experience the pain of writing sentences if he misbehaves. That he's risking being bored, coerced, missing recess, and being subjected to injustice if he doesn't shape up.

The value is a positive impact on the student. It is a critical step in the three-part process leading from thought, to language, to action. A future post will explore this three-part process, and the importance of timing it. This post will exlore the second step, language, and how writing sentences has to do with the power of expressed language, the resistance to command, and the momentum of habits.

Power of Expressed Language

Definition: Expressed language is language that is spoken and/or written. Unexpressed language is language that is thought.

When something is articulated and spoken or written it has a power in and of itself to make an impact. In the case under discussion, a student is writing down language that has to do with the future, such as, "I will not pass notes in class."

This language has power. What power will be discussed later. For now, think of it as potential power. It is language that is charged up like a battery.

Resistance to Command

Definition: A command is a statement to someone to do, or not  to do, something.

One who is commanded cannot be compared to one who is not commanded. There's a natural resistance within a person to following a command. In our case, the student is being commanded not to pass notes in class. Thus, the student has a part of him that is resisting this order, and feels drawn to passing notes in class.

Momentum of Habits

Definition: A habit is a repetitive activity a person does without overmuch examination of his motive and with minimal conscious effort.

Something which is done four or five times can become a habit. Thus, habits have a momentum of their own. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. A habit tends to reinforce itself. When the reinforcement is synchronized, the habit begins to resonate and the resistance to comman increases till the threshold level where the resistance then falls to zero, and then to negative levels.

Now, lets return to our student writing his one hundred sentences to illustrate these three ideas: power of expressed language, resistance to command, and momentum of habits.

To be continued

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Post No. 027: Arthur's Email : 5775.04.25

Many of you emailed me and were confused so I made a new video.  Click on the pic below to see it.  The link will take you to the Urban Explorer Bag page and then just scroll down to the bottom of the page to watch it.

The free leather journal with 2 refills and the free 3 initial personalization are still available for this for the next day or two.  No coupon code required but this special free offer cannot be combined with any other offers.

Urban Explorer Bag video

What I failed to mention in the video was that this bag comes with an extra set of strap for the back.  You can see them on the bottom in this picture above.  Well, we are now giving you an extra set for the top part as well.

Btw... I was able to fit all my audio gear (large pro mic, 2 small tripods, phone attachment stuff and cables) into that roll up tool pouch.  It completely filled it up and the straps were more than long enough to wrap it securely to the bottom.

Below is the original email I sent re. this bag... just in case you missed it.

About 8 years ago, very late on a Wednesday evening, I bought a one way train ticket from Santa Fe (Lamy actually) to Chicago.

Thursday I made the bag you see below and early Friday morning hopped on the train to Chicago, carrying my new bag.

That trip ended 2 weeks later on the East Coast  in CT and you won't believe what was there waiting for me when I arrived home at the Albuquerque airport... not in forever will you be able to guess it.  But what was there will make some of you smile REALLY BIG and it will bless others in their core. 

My Old Friend

Old Friend

It is a completely one off bag, imperfect, and I carried it for over 8 years (took the pic today) until I made this one below, the Urban Explorer, which is my new GO TO bag.

It holds my thermos (strapped to the back), canister of tea (strapped to the front), glasses, books, pens, extra paper, the 6.5x13 inch sheets I like to draw plans with, a ceramic gaiwan and 2 ceramic cups, a strainer, a rag...

...and I still cannot fill it up.  Just can't do it.

It will hold an iPad or the big Samsung tablet but not my laptop which, I don't carry with me anyway.

The NEW GoTo Bag

 MY UE FrontMy UE Back 

I can load it up or I can compact it down to near nothing.

It is bombproof but lightweight made of full grain Italian leather that is soft and supple and will get softer over time and develop a remarkable patina. 

As some of you know, our leather is unique.  It is made exclusively for us by a 6th generation tannery in Italy.  It took 2 years of working together to get it right. 

This bag will continue to hold my stories and pass them down to my new grandson, Eiger, when he is ready to carry a bag, this bag even, at which time he and I will sit down and I will share it's secrets.

Oh... I almost forgot.  I carry my journal in there too and... 

You can't buy the journal I use but...
you can get it for FREE
if you buy the bag.

You can get it with or without the patch that says "Places my Soul has Been".

It comes with 2 - 40 page blank refills.

AND, I will even put your 3 initials on it for free as well.

But only for the next few days.

Tomorrow, along with pictures from my journal, I will tell you what was waiting for me at the airport.

See you then.

Safe Travels from Alex and I!
Create and Keep your Stories

Arthur and Alex 
owner, Renaissance Art
If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below: 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Post No. 026 : I will never... : 5775.04.25

Some teachers mete out punishments. Like having the student write the same sentence over and over.

For example, the sentence: "I will not pass notes in class."

The teacher catches a student passing notes. The teacher wants the student to feel discomfort for his action. Writing the same thing over and over is boring. Being coerced is ditasteful. Missing recess or staying after school is no fun. Writing something the student disagrees with is downright unjust. Writing sentences is thus uncomfortable in many ways.

The teacher may hope the student will internalize the message. The whole time the student is writing, which could be, say, 30 minutes to write the sentence one hundred times, the student may be thinking: "Why am I doing this? I hate it!" And the answer he may give himself: "Because I broke a classroom rule."

Does writing sentences deter future behavior? I don't think it would work for me. I think I'd be more likely to exhibit the behavior. That's because I like to think that when I misbehaved in school it was a calculated crime designed to send the message that I thought the teacher, school, and/or curriculum was out of order. Having found an activity that annoyed the system was more likely to lead me to repeat that activity than to become averse to doing it because I suffered some punishment for doing it in the past. The discomfort of being in the school to begin with overshadowed any punishment the administration could send my way.

For a student that misbehaves because he doesn't think before he acts, the punishment of writing over and over wouldn't seem to work, either. For students like that, nothing works.

For a student that misbehaves because it feels good, sentence writing won't deter, either. Even if he realizes he will have to write sentences, he will still misbehave. Because he likes misbehaving.

So what possible value can writing sentences have?! Is it just to make the teacher feel good that he or she managed to prove that he or she is boss in the classroom?

I think that writing sentences can have value. But the value is not from negative reinforcement. The value is not because the student is aware he will experience the pain of writing sentences if he misbehaves. That he's risking being bored, coerced, missing recess, and being subjected to injustice if he doesn't shape up.

The value is a positive impact on the student. The reason writing sentences can work has to do with the power of expressed language, the resistance to command, and the momentum of habits. In Post No. 028 we will explore these three concepts in more detail and draw a lesson that will apply to Journaling in America.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Post No. 025 : Journaling not for everyone : 5775.04.23

I promote journaling. I tell people to buy RA journals.

Journaling is not for everyone, however. My experience teaches me that some people would find journaling painful to the point where it would be repulsive.

And journaling can be painful. It's like holding a mirror up to the mind and heart. And the picture may not be pretty. It's a pain to look in the mirror and realize I buttoned my shirt wrong. It's a pain to realize that when I write down about some injustice I've perceived, that my self-righteousness can peep out of the argument like straw from cracks in the walls of the barn. I can find the mansion of my mind is not the lodging of logic I supposed it was. The castle of my consciousness, may be, instead, a house of hooey.

Some people apparently are satisfied with who they are. They feel no need to reflect on anything they say or do. For them, journaling would be a pointless chore. They don't really care about what they are thinking or feeling. Arthur alluded to this in Post No. 10, and I commented on it in Post No. 11.

So, journaling is not only about building. It's about destroying, too. Starting all over, sometimes. Going back to Square One. Rebooting.


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Post No. 024 : Some thoughts on using an RA journal : 5774.04.23

The journals I use have two parts. There is the insert and the cover.

The insert is the paper. I make my own inserts from store bought paper.

The cover is made from leather. The cover is made by RA.

When I finish writing in an insert, I remove it, store it, and replace it with a new insert.

There is a paradox in my journaling. On the one hand, the RA cover lends immediacy and importance to my journaling. The cover is constantly in use. On the other hand, the meat of the journal, what I write, is removed from its leather cocoon for storage.

Historically, leather protected writings have lasted hundreds and thousands of years. How does the re-using of a few covers protect all my writings? At best, my limited collection of RA covers protect only the current inserts.

I will now resolve the apparent contradiction between permanence and impermanence, between protection and vulnerability.

Every day when I wake up in the morning, I am a new creation. Yet, I am a new creation with a past. That past includes things I've done to my credit, and things I've done to my discredit. My goal in journaling is to weed out the foreign elements, and strengthen the weak parts; to set out on a path to do right, and try to perfect my navigating that path.

Thus, everything I write in my journals is the culmination of a lifetime of work. The momentum of years is behind the movement of my pen on paper. Like a holograph, what I write today encompasses the totality of all my existence.

Thus, my current journal is the most critical one to save. Yes, I hold onto and safeguard and read my past writings, but they are just the ropes and footholds I used to climb the mountain so far. There are missteps that I'd rather be permanently blotted out, as if they never were. Where I am perched now is the critical point.

A morning will come where I do not wake up. A line will be drawn tallying up all my days, and the sum of my deeds calculated. My final journal will have been written. It is that journal that will be preserved for another generation to benefit from, or to ignore.

Renaissance Arts sells inserts for their journals. RA sells blanks inserts. RA sells inserts for specific interests.

Here is a link to an RA webpage for blank inserts, and a quote from that page:
"There are two schools of thought regarding Journals. One says that the pages become jealous when removed and forced to share the cover with a new set of pages.

"But sometimes, we grow so accustomed to using our Journal, the idea of 'breaking in' a new one just doesn’t seem right. It’s OK… we make Refillable Journals to solve this dilemma. Our refills come in 4 standard sizes with hand torn pages of acid-free, 100% cotton rag paper.  They are hand stitched onto a tag board cover to slide into your leather cover.  Our refills, like all of our books, lay flat when open.  Receive a 20% discount on refills when you order a Refillable Journal. "

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Post No. 023 : Arthur's Email : 5775.04.21 : Analysis

A fruit can be thought of as an outside part and an inside part. The inside is the "meat" or the "flesh" of the fruit. The outside is the "skin" or the "peel".

Sometimes we have an intense experience. Outside, the weather, the sights and sounds, and memories combine to give a total experience greater than the parts. Or we put together two ideas to come up with a third. The experience, the new knowledge, can be overwhelming.

We search for some way to contain the moment, to collect it in a vessel.

By journaling, we put the skin around the meat, we create a cup to hold the wine.

Without a journal in hand to write in, we can feel exposed, purposeless, just another object in the world buffeted by forces of nature and of the intellect. With the ability to write and reflect, we gain control over creation.

Post No. 022 : Arthur's Email : 5775.04.21

What makes me feel naked :: Renaissance Art

Whether you are sitting around the house or on a trail or the open road, do you ever feel naked?  I do, but only when I have nothing to write on or write with.

So a piece of paper and a pen or pencil are something I need to have with me at all times.  If I don't, I get nervous, feel incomplete somehow and a little naked, like something isn't quite right.

If you are like me, maybe you don't always want to carry the weight of a fully packed out bag.  In fact, I carry as little weight as possible because I have severe osteoarthritis (that's the official diagnosis) in both my hips.

But I do hike daily and when I do, I strip down and empty my bag.  Remember that bag pic yesterday with the thermos and tea canister and all?  It was packed out.  But this is how it looks when I hike.

stripped down bag

All I carry are a pen, pencil, whatever book I am reading, some index cards and my journal.  It is lightweight and makes me feel fully clothed.  The bag compacts down to almost flat.

Where to Write?

That is really simple.  We write whenever and wherever we are when struck with a thought, idea or... an event, remembered or in present motion.

The location is incidental although it could be a part of the process.  But there is really no place we need to go or be to have something to write.  The best stuff is just never really planned, like that doctor guy who invented the incubator while ditching work and going to the zoo in Paris.  That worked out pretty well for him, and all tiny preemies, as unplanned as it was.

The other day I was sitting, vegging and streaming something on Netflix and this guy said,
"Talent is when you do something noone else can do.  Genius is when you do something noone else sees."

THAT is totally brilliant and so I wrote it down in the quotes refill section of my journal.  My journal has 2 individually removable refills in it.  I use one for quotes and keep it in there all the time.  The other I switch out when it gets full.



AND in that moment we choose to remember it or forget it.  If we don't write it our choice is automatically to forget it... or maybe remember it by chance in the future.

Sometimes I will pull over on the road to write.  I pull over only because writing while driving is even less safe than texting while driving.

This pic below was a few days ago while hiking.  My partner sits patiently with me, in the dirt, when I do this writing thing... never rushing or interrupting me.  Dogs are so awesome.

writing with Alex

And this relates to the story yesterday.
While driving thru Ohio I met this little creature.

alex in OH

One week later while I was flying home from CT, she was flying home as well.  We met in the Albuquerque airport that day, just over 8 years ago.

If you have a dog and he/she has taught you anything, think about it and let me know your story next week.  I'll tell you mine first to get things started.  It's a life lesson and not what you might expect a dog to teach.
Safe Travels from Alex and I!
Create and Keep your Stories

Arthur and Alex 
owner, Renaissance Art
PS.  The bag and journal I use are on Special right now.  In fact, the journal I use cannot be purchased but you can get it for free if you buy the bag.  Click HERE to see it and get the info on how to get the journal for free.
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