
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Post No. 022 : Arthur's Email : 5775.04.21

What makes me feel naked :: Renaissance Art

Whether you are sitting around the house or on a trail or the open road, do you ever feel naked?  I do, but only when I have nothing to write on or write with.

So a piece of paper and a pen or pencil are something I need to have with me at all times.  If I don't, I get nervous, feel incomplete somehow and a little naked, like something isn't quite right.

If you are like me, maybe you don't always want to carry the weight of a fully packed out bag.  In fact, I carry as little weight as possible because I have severe osteoarthritis (that's the official diagnosis) in both my hips.

But I do hike daily and when I do, I strip down and empty my bag.  Remember that bag pic yesterday with the thermos and tea canister and all?  It was packed out.  But this is how it looks when I hike.

stripped down bag

All I carry are a pen, pencil, whatever book I am reading, some index cards and my journal.  It is lightweight and makes me feel fully clothed.  The bag compacts down to almost flat.

Where to Write?

That is really simple.  We write whenever and wherever we are when struck with a thought, idea or... an event, remembered or in present motion.

The location is incidental although it could be a part of the process.  But there is really no place we need to go or be to have something to write.  The best stuff is just never really planned, like that doctor guy who invented the incubator while ditching work and going to the zoo in Paris.  That worked out pretty well for him, and all tiny preemies, as unplanned as it was.

The other day I was sitting, vegging and streaming something on Netflix and this guy said,
"Talent is when you do something noone else can do.  Genius is when you do something noone else sees."

THAT is totally brilliant and so I wrote it down in the quotes refill section of my journal.  My journal has 2 individually removable refills in it.  I use one for quotes and keep it in there all the time.  The other I switch out when it gets full.



AND in that moment we choose to remember it or forget it.  If we don't write it our choice is automatically to forget it... or maybe remember it by chance in the future.

Sometimes I will pull over on the road to write.  I pull over only because writing while driving is even less safe than texting while driving.

This pic below was a few days ago while hiking.  My partner sits patiently with me, in the dirt, when I do this writing thing... never rushing or interrupting me.  Dogs are so awesome.

writing with Alex

And this relates to the story yesterday.
While driving thru Ohio I met this little creature.

alex in OH

One week later while I was flying home from CT, she was flying home as well.  We met in the Albuquerque airport that day, just over 8 years ago.

If you have a dog and he/she has taught you anything, think about it and let me know your story next week.  I'll tell you mine first to get things started.  It's a life lesson and not what you might expect a dog to teach.
Safe Travels from Alex and I!
Create and Keep your Stories

Arthur and Alex 
owner, Renaissance Art
PS.  The bag and journal I use are on Special right now.  In fact, the journal I use cannot be purchased but you can get it for free if you buy the bag.  Click HERE to see it and get the info on how to get the journal for free.
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